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Digital health company Lumeon has unveiled its latest clinical workflow automation solution, Lumeon Conductor.

This software-as-a-service platform is designed to enhance the coordination and customization of care on a large scale.

According to the vendor, it bridges the gap between healthcare providers’ clinical intentions and their operational execution, improving clinical outcomes and operational efficiency.

Lumeon Conductor achieves this by integrating with existing Electronic Health Record workflows to automate complex care processes in real time.

The platform identifies patient cohorts across various care settings, streamlining clinical reviews and surfacing real-time information, action items, and assignments.

Conductor’s Campaign Builder allows for communication with patients through text messages and automated voice calls.

This enables updates on appointments, care requirements, and marketing efforts.

Messages can be personalised with patient-specific data, and their responses are tracked to adapt outreach efforts in real time.

Lumeon Conductor is claimed to have helped hospitals and health systems across the US and Europe reap multiple benefits such as cost savings, increased productivity, reduced no-show rates, and enhanced patient satisfaction.

Lumeon CEO and founder Robbie Hughes said: “Our unique clinical workflow automation fills the gap left by patient engagement, PHM, and digital front-door solutions that aim to improve access but don’t then follow through to help with the increased demand on the care team.

“Care teams all over the world know what good looks like, their struggle is getting it done consistently at the scale they need while facing daily workforce challenges.

“With Lumeon Conductor, we move care delivery from one size fits all to a highly personalised approach that ensures that we are managing each patient’s care as an individual, strategically weaving ‘digital’ into the clinical care journey to automate what can be automated, and freeing the care team up to look after those that need it most.”